Health benefits consultant / trainer

The nation s premier private provider of healthcare access in the US is looking for motivated self-starters to enjoy a career with our company. Our healthcare programs are primarily designed to help people who are uninsurable due to a pre-existing condition or low income and/ or under insured with gaps in their traditional insurance benefits. Headquartered in the US, this Dunn and Bradstreet listed company has been serving its clients since 1992. Due to the growing healthcare crisis in the US, they are expected to grow to be a company with revenues of over $1 billion in the next few years. Because of our unique position in the marketplace we are positioned to take full advantage of the biggest demand for supplemental health care. Position Overview As a Healthcare Benefits Consultant you will have control over a self-paced work schedule from your home office. Compensation: $70, 000 (first year earnings potential) Employment Type: 1099 Contract Position Pay Frequency: Daily, Monthly Bonus Work Hours: Self-Paced, Requires 10 - 20 hr per week min. * The first step in our interview process is for you to review the following information to asses that we have a match. * CAREER PRESENTATION RECORED CALL (duration 12 mins) DIAL: 760-569-1331



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