Papillon Pups

We have 3 Beautiful Papillon puppies looking for new forever homes. Two females and one male they were Born on April 11th . Ready to go at 8 weeks with first shots and we give a health guarantee. No papers available but we have both parents and you are welcome to come visit us any time. Located on the Key Peninsula in Lakebay we are over the Narrows Bridge. pictures in this order. Princess ( first born smallest and spunkiest she is a Tri color ) Rubie ( is a Hound Tri like her Daddy sweet sweet girl ) and Mac ( Mac prances like a true show dog he is a Tri ) also a pic of Mom with the pups (she is a Tri color) and Dad ( Riley is a hound Tri and Beautiful) The pups ears will come up soon some times takes a while. The bigger the ears the longer it takes for them to stand up LOL. Papillons are known for their intelligence and playfulness. Our pups are raised with other dogs to play with and would be happiest with a companion to play with.Carol and Daveitssunshine1155(at)



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