2010 Ford Edge Limited

2010 Ford EDGE Limited AWD with 49 944 miles has a clean CARFAX history report Clean AUTOCHECK history report has passed a thorough 100 point Safety and CA SMOG inspection performed by one of our factory trained BMW MINI Certified master technicians. Great options on this vehicle include Stability control Cruise control Premium sound Parking sensors Privacy glass SYNC Satellite feature Heated seats Keyless entry Premium wheels and Chrome wheels. Thank you for choosing BMW and MINI of Monrovia a SONIC automotive premier dealership where we value your time and business. Here at BMW and MINI of Monrovia we have a wide selection of new and pre-owned vehicles to choose from this 2010 Ford Edge Limited AWD just so happens to be one of those vehicles. BMW and MINI of Monrovia features SONIC automotives TRUE PRICE system which is based on actual selling prices of similar vehicles in our community which you will find them in line with you re the research you have done thus True Price eliminates the need for traditional haggling is part of our process to offer you an exceptional car buying experience. Now what does that mean for you the consumer Simple you will not find this level of transparency from any other dealer while purchasing your next vehicle Buying a car has never been this fun and easy do not hesitate to pick up the phone to schedule an appointment or speak to one of our highly trained BMW MINI sales associates whom will gladly assist you with any inquiries you may have. Again we do value your time and look forward to seeing you soon.



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