CopierKonica Bizhub C35 color printer scanner copier

Konica Bizhub C35 color copier scanner printer and fax. 895 is the price without the stand and extra droors & 995 with.This copier brand new would cost around 1700 or more so this is a steal at this price. Machine comes with 30 day warranty on all parts and labor within the greater Sacramento area. We offer free delivery and installation on your home or office network within the greater Sacto area (small fee for out of town stairs extra. Service contracts area available after initial warranty has expired. We can also service and provide supplies for any other Copier Printer or Fax that you may have. Service is 99 per hour.Servicing Northern California since 1989 Come check out our demo room full of color and black & white office printer scanner copiers Cell916-759-5566 (Colten) or Email me at joseph_colten(at)yahoo.comA & E Repro Systems Inc11355 Folsom Blvd Suite HRancho Cordova Ca 95742 Extremely compact even for table-top placementSuper G3 faxing network printing network scanning copying RADF (reverse automatic document feeder) duplex printing and a 120GB HDD30 ppm (A4) copy and print speeds for both color and B W100% productivity in duplex printing1Maximum 1 350-sheet paper capacity60 210 g m2 paper handling even for duplex printingEmperon Print System with PS mode and PCL mode for high level outputsUniversal Printer Driver for sharing with other Konica Minolta MFPs and printers from a single interfacePageScope Enterprise Suite softwareIC card authentication2 external-server authentication and user authenticationNumerous measures from Simitri HD toner with biomass ozone-free charge rollers and more to lessen the burden on the environmentSupport for IPv6 protocol



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