4715 Canyon River Ct San Jose CA 95136

4715 Canyon River Ct San Jose CA 95136 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 539 000 Year Built 1973 Square Feet 1441 Lot Size 0.037 Acre View Garden Greenbelt EXTENSIVE REMODEL MANY UPGRADE. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL HOME. PREMIUM LOCATION CLOSE TO POOL. ( OLYMPIC SIZE) LIGHT AND BRIGHT WITH SUNNY PATIO AND GARAGE. NEW KITCHEN AND BATHS CARPET AND FLOORING. FIREPLACE. WELL MAINTAINED COMPLEX .CLOSE BY HWY 85 AND 87 SHOPPING AND DINING. www.losgatoskw.com listing mlsid 204 propertyid ML81468715 syndicated 1 Provided by David Calvello of Keller Williams Realty Call or Text 408-761-2858 Listing Agent Jackie Miano Listing courtesy of KW Bay Area Estates



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