Townhouse Style Two BR 1.5 BA wFireplace - Pasadena

Two beds 1.5 baths apartment small buildingaccess controlled community secured entrytownhouse - first level and 2nd level unitstained concrete and carpet flooringkitchen w stove oven refrigeratorstainless appliancesremodeled black granite countertops recessed lightsa c central heatoverhead fansfireplacepatiocable-readycommunity washer dryer areacarport parkingwater and trash is paid close to paseo colorado old town pasadena rose bowl norton simon museum design & culinary school brookside golf course minutes from cal tech & pasadena city college numerous restaurants and grocery stores tobacco free property call barry at (818) 243--x for more info or to see unit518 e washington blvd. pasadena ca 91104-2212apartment 1 (1) year lease required with security deposit...



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