&Dagger&Dagger&Dag ger&Dagger PRICED TO MOVE &Dagger&Dagger&Dag

DESCRIPTION This motorcycle is sweet It s a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic and this baby is cherry It looks mean in the dark blue with chrome accents There are few things better in this world than riding down the road on two wheels with the wind blowing through your hair Come take this beauty home with you today ALL PRICES ARE CASH PRICES UNLESS STATED AND DO NOT REFLECT FINANCING WE ARE THE BANK NO CREDIT CHECK WE ACCEPT ALL TRADES YOU ARE APPROVED SO CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR TEST DRIVE OR TO GET MORE INFORMATION ON THIS VEHICLE. ALL PRICES EXCLUDE TAXES TAG AND DEALER FEES. LOCATED IN MELBOURNE FL 5 MINUTES FROM EAU GALLIE BLVD EXIT 183 ON 1-95 JUST A QUICK DRIVE FROM VERO DAYTONA OR ORLANDO AUTOMAX OF BREVARD AUTOMAXOFBREVARD.NET 1944 AURORA ROAD MELBOURNE FL 32935 VEHICLE INFO STOCK 522361 VIN JKBVNCB114B522361 YEAR 2004 MAKE KAWASAKI MODEL VN800-B9 VULCAN CLASSIC COLOR MILES 0 ENGINE TRANS Manual STYLE DOORS DEALER INFO AutoMax of Brevard 1944 Aurora Rd Melbourne FL 32935CALL 321-242-1123 myautomax.com



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