Agency Owner Reseller Position Sales Representative- For Start up fee first 6 months free trial available Job Description Job Agency Owner Entry Level Yes Position Title Sales Representative Call Center Job Type Full-Time Part Time Company Lead Generation Company Min Education HS Diploma or Equiv. Job Function Sales Marketing Call Center Min Experience 0- years Location Home The Agency Owner plays a key role in making sales for the Lead Generation Company. As a Sales Rep Agency Owner you will take forwarding calls in our Call Center which is a 24 hour multi-channel center. You can set your own daily schedule working 4 or 12 hours a day you decide. The calls are all incoming so no outbound cold calling or door to door type of sales. Which you get a lot of training this way but when people call you you are moving several steps ahead. Then you re just answering questions about the software and the program there are no high pressure sales. Responsibilities When logging into the call center be prepared to take calls When taking calls follow the script provided (it was created for you to generate sales) Make sure you have a cell phone with a working connection Be focused and in a quiet work area when on call Entrepreneurial drive and ambitions Basic-Medium Level Computer Email skills Laptop Desktop Computer with High Speed Internet Access (For program set-up) Sales or customer service experience helpful if not that s fine Benefits & Paying Options Earn 400per sale and 50 a month on-going residual PLUS Significant 400 team over-rides. We pay every 24-72 hours. 2 sales in a 5 day work week is 3200 in one week. OPTION ONE (RECOMMENDED) is a merchant account through FirstData. Your commissions are deposited directly into your bank account faster and for free. Please visit GlobalGatewaye4 Solution for setup details. OPTION TWO integrate our eWallet each commission will automatically be seen in your back office and commission is paid out each Friday. All commission payouts are held back two weeks and then released for payout through the eWallet system less the discount rate and 15% reserve holdback (reserve holdback released after 6 months). Work from home and make your own schedule A JOB requires that you invest in gas to get to work work clothes lunch out time traveling etc. How much did that cost you last year 800 1 500 3k A small investment (MUCH less a regular job) in your work tools is required but is returned after just one sale. With 82% calls and a HUGE opportunity you can see very significant income. Think 150-200K a year If money is the problem there is an alternative route that we can try to get you set up as an agency owner. I can offer you the first 6 months for free You could make two sales within the first week and it ll be covered. You will soon see your revenue increase. We have live trainings tutorials sponsors and a facebook group that help abundantly If interested please contact Alexis Twine by email or phone. alexistwine(at) atwine(at) 317-362-4823 When calling please be prepared for a small interview to assure qualifications thanks



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