License Massage Therapist

Hi I m Mary I am a Professional LMT been in the field for 11yrs. I specialize in all therapeutic massage modalities. Deep Tissue Trigger Point Swedish-(relaxation) Reflexology. My pressure starts off Firm-Medium-Deep. I provide clean sheets oils relaxing soothing music. This therapeutic massage is strictly therapeutic and professional work. My intentions are to give my clients the respectable amount of space. Reducing tension in the muscles neck shoulders and throughout the body. By taking my time during each session. First time you pay 1hr- 45 after prebook you pay 50-1hr 70-90min 80-2hrReflexology- 35-1hr & 25-1 2hrHours--Mon-Friday-9am-2pm. Sat-10am--8pm IN-CALLS IS ONLY ACCEPTED....IF YOU CHOOSE FOR ME TO COME TO YOU PLEASE CONTACT ME FOR FURTHER QUESTIONS.



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