Healthy decaffeinated tea

AVT is a well established and reputable supplier of decaffeinated leaf tea. Our plant is situated on the outskirts of Kochi, South India and the continuous, enclosed production facility has a capacity of several thousand tonnes per annum. At AVT we have the ability to decaffeinate tea using all approved methods. Although our preference is to supply our customers with a finished product we are happy to toll process customers? own material if they wish. Tea knowledge is at the centre of our business. Teas from different origins take to decaffeination in different ways. Our understanding of the global tea market is extensive and we have access to a network of suppliers around the world. We pride ourselves in having the knowledge and experience to source tea that is particularly suited to decaffeination and to specific market and customer requirements. AVT has extremely competent technical capabilities. Our Centre for Research and Development was established in 2000 and is recognised by the Indian Government?s Department of Scientific and Industrial research. Our team of technicians have access to a state of the art analytical laboratory to carry out QC on both the raw material and outgoing products. Product quality is of utmost importance to the business and AVT exceeds all the minimum statutory and legal requirements. The combination of an expert technical team and pilot plants in Kochi enables us to undertake new product development work for our clients on a variety of scales from multi-gram through to full scale commercial runs. We can match your existing products or custom make products to suite your needs



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