Iphone x for sale

The phone s functional condition is always the same: Every phone we sell has gone through a very comprehensive, standardized external and internal review process. Battery, charging and the phone in general works as well as on a new phone, regardless of the external condition of the phone. The phone s battery capacity is at least 80 percent of new shots, ie a very good level, and other features such as camera, buttons, monitor etc. are as good as on a new phone. The external status of the phone is judged in five categories, from new to worn condition and you always see the condition on the product page. You always get a USB cable and 6 month Swappie Guarantee on purchase when you buy a phone from us. Why should you buy a Swappie phone? - 6 months Swappie Guarantee - 14 days of return, no risks! - Quality: We control and test all phones through professional technicians. - Many Payment : buy an amazon card and mail us the receipts, cash payments and pay pal  - Save Time: You do not need to set up a sales strike, we ship your phone so you have it within 1-3 days - Secure: Do not Be Afraid of Fraud - Best Customer Service: Do you have any questions we will gladly answer - Advantageous price: always good prices! - Fast delivery: Delivery within 1-3 business days



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