Powerstroke Diesel Repair and Performance

High Velocity Diesel Performance specializes in all things Powerstroke. Equipped with licensed Ford IDS diagnostic software expert experience and knowledge. Repairs and upgrades available for exhaust turbos fuel systems including injectors and other accessories. We are very experienced with the 7.3 6.0 & 6.4 when it comes to their weak spots and know how to fix them properly and return your truck to top running condition. We perform from minor repairs to headgaskets to complete engine overhauls utilizing the correct parts for the repair with great attention for details. We offer competitive pricing on OEM parts but where applicable also offer high quality aftermarket parts from several of the top suppliers in the nation. We are also an authorized full line Amsoil Schaeffer s and Archoil dealer. Our labor rates are competitive to the area fully insured and can provide references upon request. Please call or email for an appointment Or check our our website highvelocitydieselperformance.com Find like us on Facebook



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