8x255 14k Gooseneck

New 8.5 x25 5 (30 ) Gooseneck Equipment Trailer 14k gvwr Brand new 2015 Texas Pride 8.5 x25 deck w 5 dovetail (30 overall deck) Gooseneck Equipment Trailer for 6 495 Tandem 7 000lb 8 lug axles (both brake) New ST235 85R16 12ply tires on 8 hole silver wheels 12 I-Beam mainframe 6 channel deck frame 3 channel cross members on 16 centers 1 grade 2 treated pine flooring (screwed down) Locking front chain storage box with lid Dual 12 000lb spring loaded drop leg jacks 2 5 16 adjustable gooseneck coupler All LED stop turn clearance lights All required DOT lighting safety chains DOT tape and break-a-way switch. Texas Made. Texas Tough. TEXAS PRIDE. Delivery available call for quote Call or text Jim at 936-348-4993 anytime. Se Habla Espanol. We are the manufacturer. Buy direct and save big We make and sell a wide variety of lowboy equipment trailers deckover equipment trailers hydraulic dump trailers and roll off trailers and dumpsters. We can custom make a trailer to your spec s in a very short time period usually within 7 to 10 days. Please call us with any of your trailer needs. We have almost 20 years experience in building trailers. Shop around and you ll find we have one of the best trailers out there for the money. Whether you look at Big Tex Trailers PJ Trailers Kaufman Trailers Texas Bragg Trailers Texas Made Trailers Kearney Trailers Load Trail Trailers Top Hat Trailers or any other brand you wont find a better dump trailer value than TEXAS PRIDE TRAILERS



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