Jacuzzi--Final Offer

Cal Spa Jacuzzi. 8 x8 . Called the New Wave Jacuzzi bought in 1994 but has been housed in a room built just for it since day one. It is like new great shape. This Jacuzzi really does the job to make you feel great. 9 spa jets 10 hydro swirl jets 2 pumps. The cost new was 4600.00. Holds many people. Multiple ways to get jets to hit you lounge sit or just stand and let the water and air bubbles hit you everywhere 1000.00 or best offer. I was the only one that used it on occasion which is why it s like new. Runs on 220. I had a new heater that cost me 500.00 3 years ago and the only other update on it is a toggle switch. It is now out of the room and disconnected and you will have to take my word on how it works. I am an honest guy and when I say this is a great buy believe me it is... Where can you get a super Jacuzzi that holds 5-7 people for a 1000.00 Come and look at it and you will see what I mean... It s beautiful in great shape but for me it has to go.... I am turning the room into a regular room.I have all the receipts to back me up on everything.



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