Magnificent waterfront cottage St-Blaise-sur-Richel ieu

House Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu for sale - Spectacular waterfront cottage open concept located in non-flood zone. 2 large bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with breathtaking view of the water is sure to please enthusiast of design and nautical atmosphere. Solid construction tin roof huge terraces 2 sheds garden heating and central air conditioning. MAGNIFICENT Alexandre DesrochersReal Estate BrokerRoyal Lepage St-Jean514-917-0824 Maison Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu vendre - Spectaculaire cottage riverain aire ouverte situ en zone non-inondable.Compos de 2 grandes chambres et 2 salles de bains cette propri t ax e sur la vue sur l eau saura plaire aux amateurs de d coration et d ambiance nautique. Solidement construit toit de t le immenses terrasses 2 remises jardin chauffage et climatisation central. MAGNIFIQUE



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