Inside Sales Person Needed (part or full time)

If you are a highly motivated sales person committed to results and want to work with a company whom offers outstanding quality and world class customer service we want to hear from you If you want to work for a company that pays well for top talent and treats you like a professional send us your resume today We are seeking sales people to join our team market leading 60 year old plumbing heating and air-conditioning Services Company. Requirements Goal Oriented able to meet dead line Prior experience in the industry preferred Excellent communication time management Self-motivator ambition to succeed multi-tasker Enthusiasm able to learn quick Service minded aggressive and congenial No relocation available Our benefits include Competitive wages Safe professional work environment Company paid training and professional development If you meet the qualifications listed above and would like to be considered as a candidate for the Sales position please forward us your resume wage expectations and a list of professional references including contact numbers. Either email your information to the address below with this listing or fax to 973-728-5409 Note before applying that our employee selection process includes drug testing extensive background and driving record checks pre-employment assessments and reference interviews with previous employers. Thanks again for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you We are a Drug Free Workplace and Equal Opportunity Employer. mark(at) 21 Union Valley Road Newfoundland NJ 07435 Fax 973-728-5409



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