Restaurant Bar Commercial Refrigerator Merchandising Cooler

THE SERVICE CALL IS F R E E w any completed repair We ve been working with bakeries bars restaurants super markets gas stations schools and churches for a long time. When your refrigeration goes out it causes an immediate loss of time money and sometimes even customers. People can get sick. Your establishment could be shut down. It s a serious thing and that s exactly how we treat it. Our technicians are factory trained and their trucks are fully-stocked. They have the training and the inventory to get you taken care of-on the first trip out. We Repair Reach-In and Walk-Ins Coolers Refrigerators Freezers and Blast Freezers Prep Tables Glass and Bottle Chillers Ice Makers Machines Sorft Serve Ice Cream Machines Ice Cream Freezers and Dipping Cabinets and so much more. Call or Text (602) 790-5486 handyman services not a licensed contractor.



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