Freelance Speechwriter

Speech. One of the most basic elements of human communication. And yet we all struggle with it. In our heads it all seems so simple - but putting that straightforward plan on paper is like beating your head against a brick wall over and over and over again. No one wants to go through that. Least of all you I m here to offer my services - highly acclaimed by my peers - to save you from jumping through the verbal hoops so to speak. Give me a topic and a bit of time and I ll get a speech going. I ll be working on your money and I know just how precious money is to everyone. If you need quality writing for low cost and within a decent timeframe (Within one or two days unless you want something extremely lengthy) I m your man. Need a wall to bounce ideas off of I ve got you covered. I ll guide you through the complex linguistic acrobatics of the english language and in the end we ll come out with something you can smile at. Have a speech already but need help making it perfect I m game for that We ll have a sit down if you re in the area or a skype or just email back and forth and figure out what all we can do to make it better. List of fees Writing 20 for the first 1000 words. 5 for every 250 words after that. Critiquing Flat fee of 15 per speech. Additional charges may apply depending on the depth of rewriting. Tutoring Brainstorming Flat fee of 20 per hour of session. Minimum 20. Email sessions may be lower cost or free as applicable. If you re interested just give me a call after 6 pm during the week or email me anytime at joseph.holloway(at) and we ll get to business. Until then have a wonderful day If you re interested in previewing some of my work I have made some of it available at Feel free to browse Note I specialize mostly in short speeches but I m more than capable of working on a lengthy oratory or any sort of composition that isn t some sort of speaking role. Feel free to contact me about non-speech specific items and we ll work something out.



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