blue planet laundry is now hiring

TITLE Attendant COMPANY blue planet laundry 6145 El Cajon Blvd San Diego CA 92115 (619) 287-3467 HOURS AM Shift 6 30 am - 2 30 pm PM Shift 2 30 pm - 10 30 pm WAGE Minimum Wage to start REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS High School Graduate or GED Extremely Reliable Impeccable Communication Skills Ability to Multitask Work as a team Creativity Problem Solving Skills Leadership DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS Customer Service Experience Square System Experience Cleaning and Light Maintenance JOB DESCRIPTION Maintain cleanliness of the store while handling assisting customers with their needs. Process between 60 and 120 lbs of Fluff N Fold per shift. Clean and stock restroom and hand sink. Take out trash. Flush machines nightly. Must be able to spend 7 hours per shift standing walking. Must be able to lift 40-60 lbs regularly. CONTACT Heather Colyar HOW TO APPLY Only serious candidates need apply. Please email resume cover letter and references to contact(at)



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