Hertz Interview Day 2.8.16

We would like to officially invite you to The Hertz Corporation Hiring Event Available roles PART-TIME FULL-TIME OVERNIGHT VARIOUS shifts Counter Sales Representative Instant Return Rep Gold Choice Greeter & Express Agent. (Counter Sales reps roles are paid at an entry level rate with a lucrative bonus structure 50-70K) Join us to meet directly with a member of the Hertz Management Team to discuss the positions in further detail. Hiring Event Details February 8th 2016 at 10 AM OR 2 00 PM ( Please be prompt with an updated resume on hand) Please RSVP at tdecker1(at)hertz.com Hertz Admin Building 1711 E. Buckeye Rd Phoenix AZ 85034 (16th Street & Buckeye Rd) Parking Parking available at and or around building no cost to park. Additional Info Upon entering the front of the building we will have an associate directing candidates to sign in and wait for the next interviewer to become available. Please go to www.hertz.jobs and or s usjobs-dtag.icims.com and apply online if you haven t already Hertz is a Drug-Free Workplace. All employment is contingent on successful completion of drug and background screening. EOE M F D V



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