Seeking LTR with a Sincere Lady

Hello I m here hoping to find a nice Lady who is tired of being alone and looking for something to last I have been divorced for about 11 yrs the kids stayed with me after the divorce and the last one has left the nest The house is empty now and I m alone and don t care for the alone part. I m a disabled Army Veteran so I m here alot. I don t have anything real bad i just have alot of nerve damage in neck and base of skull can t even tell without me telling. I m a good man I m very caring compassionate trustworthy loyal and will stand by you through anything good or bad.I m the one that will stand in front of you for the bad. I hope I can find You I know your out there If you do answer this I hope we can email some but then talk on the phone and see if we hit it off and then just meet in a public place. Im to old for texting for weeks and playing games of not wanting to talk on the phone. If the right Lady is reading this im sure she d feel the same. I miss being held cuddleing and just the soft gentle touch of a Good Women I will send a picture when asked. I really don t need one of you I want the person inside that s the important part for me. If you d like to ask me any questions please ask. I won t write no more for now but I will be hoping YOU write me Thank you for reading



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