800 11019 Lake Arbor Way Bowie MD 20721 for Rent.Room mate style

Come and see this well-appointed basement luxury apartment with plenty of light. The contemporary floor plan delivers 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom chic living room with wood floors dining room stylish eat-in kitchen with stainless steel electric range built in microwave dishwasher refrigerator and breakfast bar. You will be sharing this space with another person. ALL UTILITIES & LAWN CARE INCLUDED 800 M. Text 301-333-4444 to make your appointment. These are the dates and time that the unit is available for showing. Showing times are Monday 5 30pm-6 30pm Wednesday 6 30pm-7 30pm Friday 9 30am-11 30am So please text 301-333-4444 your name email date & time. You will receive a confirmation text back from 301-333-4444.



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