Tool Training Tablesaw Fundamentals

Description This class is designed to introduce students to using the table saw which is often the most important power tool in wood shops and woodworking. The goal of the class to is to present the important basics to proper and safe use of the table saw so that students leave class feeling confident in setting up and using this saw in a variety of ways. The focus will be as much hands on time as is possible so that the confidence students leave with will help them feel comforable exporing many of the additional ways to use the table saw on their own or in further classes. Techniques and procedures will be applicable to any table saw. This class will introduce the specific set up and safety procedures of the SawStop table saw. Class Goals The goal of the class to is to present the important basics to proper and safe use of the table saw so that students leave class feeling confident in setting up and using this saw in a variety of ways....



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