CUB-069 - Patterned Fabric Stone - 7x6 Herman Miller A02 Cubicle

Price 750.00 Per Unit Qty Available 15 Size 7x6 Item Condition Used Item Location Denver CO Product is Available 03 25 2016Extras Included 3 Drawer File Cabinet Pedestal 2 Drawer File Cabinet Pedestal Tack Board POWERED PANELS Overhead Open Shelf Item Description Cherry tops great looking product Ready to deliver and install About the Manufacturer Herman Miller - was a West Michigan businessman who helped his son-in-law D.J. De Pree buy the Michigan Star Furniture Company in 1923. De Pree had been working at the company which opened in 1905 since he was hired in 1909 as a clerk. De Pree knew his father-in-law was a man of integrity so he decided to rename the company after him.By the middle of the 20th century the name Herman Miller had become synonymous with modern furniture. Working with legendary designers George Nelson and Charles and Ray Eames the company produced pieces that would become classics of industrial design.-------------------------------------- -----------------------NEARLY ALL OUR PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE MAKE US AN OFFER --------------------------------------------- ---------------- Whether you are in Colorado or in any of the continental United States Pete s Panels can handle all Shipping Delivering and Setup. Contact us today for a free shipping quote We have a large USED FURNITURE section containing Cubicles Desks Chairs Conference Tables and services covering our Advanced Office Cleaning Services and so much more check us out If your local in Denver CO Give us a call today to set up an appointment to see our showroom PETE S PANELS303-420-9403 Pete s



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