Body massage and personal services

Best Massager for Her ? The body massage gives multiple benefits of both psychologically and physically. This massage has become more popularity and demanded now days due to working conditions and life style. Not only this massage gives relaxation but It also improves your skin looks better. The massage includes manipulating and rubbing of muscles, ligaments, skin and tendons. ? The benefits of body massage may earns your immune systems functionality. The body massage is also helps to protect your body and your immune system functions. It also helps to relieve pain and relieve stiffness in your body. The massages are also reduced your migraine pain. It may also helps for anyone who affecting sports injuries. ? The best way to relieve stress and anxiety is for having your body massage. It is also relieved your depression too. The body massage is also boosts a persons? health and well-being. If you want to reduce your stress levels, don?t go to consider anyone. You just need the best body massage therapist ( me ) at your place. The therapist will prefer body massage treatments. It is the best treatments for your stress issues. The body massage gives more health benefits. It also improves your blood circulation. ? The body massage involves your hands, shoulders, feet, arms, backs and neck. Generally a body massage have been done just 30 minutes. If you want to get more service, it can take up to 60 minutes as well as have different duration according to the massage types. If you want to get a massage in a particular area, then i will focuses on that place. Most of the people?s choice is for their full body massage. ? One of the oldest ways of treatments is body massage. It will help to reduce stress, muscle pains, improves blood circulation, muscle pains, better skin, etc., 1 Enhanced Blood Circulation 2 Reduce Swelling 3 Boost Immune System 4 Glowing Skin 5 Better Sleep 6 Relieves Pain I m doing this job from 5 years in Vadodara as well as out of Vadodara. Now let me introduce my self Hello I am Rocky 32 years Man, and Genuine male Masseur (massage Therapist) in who has specialised doing body massage to ladies. . THE PACKAGES OFFERED ARE: 1. Head to Toe oil massage to pain relief, relaxation and rejuvenation (with Pure Olive oil ) 2. Upper body massage (Face, Head, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Hands/ Fingers, Chest, Breast & Stomach/ Abdomen) 3. Lower body massage (Buttocks, Legs & Foot/ Toes) 4. Head, and Neck massages 5. Body to Body Massage 6. oil / Cream massage for full body OR half body(as you wish) 7- honey massage FOR ALL BEAUTY services. . For more details you can drop ur number by clicking on contact button at the bottom of the ad. . I m serving to FEMALE ONLY. . My services are available only at your home or at ur hotel only. . . You can also msg me here by clicking contact advertiser button. . . Your safety and privacy will be 100% assured. . . If you get 100% satisfactio



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