Northridge Carpet Cleaning

Services we Provide We here at Northridge Carpet Cleaning offer a number of different cleaning services to our customers. These services include Residential carpet cleaning Commercial carpet cleaning Area Rug Cleaning Upholstery cleaning Spot and stain removal Water and Damage repair Top Notch Cleaning We offer only top notch cleaning services providing our customers with the same cleaning that we expect in our own home. These services include services provided by trained and skilled cleaning technicians. We not only train our cleaning technicians in the use of our state of art equipment and the use of our organic cleaning products but also in how to identify and treat various stains and odors so that your carpets receive the cleaning they deserve. In most cases we can return even the dirtiest carpeting to 90% or better of new like condition. For more information visit our website at or call us at (818) 369-4260 for free quote.



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