What is Shearing Tools

Shearing also known as die cutting is a process which cuts stock without the formation of chips or the use of burning or melting. In strict technical terms the process of shearing involves the use of straight cutting bladesorm of sheet metal or plates however rods can also be sheared. Shearing-type operations include blanking piercing roll slitting and trimming.Sheet metal cutting is a major classification for many different press working operations. Cutting operations involve the separation of the metal of the sheet in certain areas. This separation is caused by shearing forces acting on the metal through the edges of the punch and die. Press working a term referencing sheet metal operations in general involves the working of a sheet between two die. In press working the upper die is called a punch. Sheet and plate generally refers to rolled metal with a high surface area to volume ratio. The difference is that sheet metal is less than 1 4 inch (6mm) in thickness while plate metal is thicker. Most of the sheet metal cutting processes discussed can be performed on both sheet and plate metal although for many sheet metal operations difficulties will arise with increasing plate thickness. Usually sheet and sheet metal is also referencing plate. More visit - www.tradusway.com power-tools shear.html



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