Carpet cleaning upholstery tile sofa rug

CARPET CLEANING. as low as 3 Areas - $45. 4 Areas - $60. Whole Apartments Starting At - $60. Whole House 1-Story .- $89. Whole House 2-Story .- $140. *Cleaning Includes: Steam Cleaning with Detergent, Color Brighteners and Deodorizer. Up to 155 sqft / area .( 1st and 2nd Floor units ). PRESSURE WASHING . . . . . as low as - $65.00. ( Driveways, Sidewalks, Pool Decks, Porches, Patios, Home or Building, 20 foot reach, Fences, Gutters and more. FREE ESTIMATES - (407)-448-3551 . ( TEXT 24 Hrs ). FURNITURE CLEANING / UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. as low as Sofa or Loveseat. . . . . . $30. Recliner Chair. . . $25. Ottoman. . . . . $20. 2pc-Sectional Sofa. . . $60. 3pc-Sectional Sofa. . $90. Bed Mattress (Twin). . $30 Bed Mattress (Full Size). . $40 Bed Mattress (Queen). . $50. Bed Mattress (King). . . $60. Dining Chairs. . . . $15. (2 item minimum) Floor TILE Cleaning / GROUT Cleaning . . as low as. . .30 Cents per sq.ft. . We Accept : CASH (preferred) and VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER. Cardholder must be present. There is a $99 minimum for Credit or Debit card transactions. ( NO CHECKS - PLEASE ). Some restrictions and conditions may apply. *Phone ESTIMATES. (407)-448-3551 . ( TEXT 24 Hours ).* 4 0 7 - four 4 8 - 3 5 5 one . All Florida CARPET CLEANERS and PRESSURE WASHING. *- CARPET + RUG Steam Cleaning. FURNITURE + UPHOLSTERY Cleaners. - TILE + GROUT cleaner . * - FLOOD EXTRACTION , ANTI-MICROBIAL SANITIZING-DISINFECTANT , PET ODOR and STAIN TREATMENT , HEAVY DUTY DEEP CLEANING , GROUT SEALING, and STAINSHIELD PROTECTOR are also available. SAME DAY SERVICE -* FAST DRYING - LICENSED + INSURED. - POWERFUL TRUCK-MOUNTED STEAM EQUIPMENT . = Serving the Central Florida Area - ORLANDO + ORANGE county + SEMINOLE County, OSCEOLA county, FLORIDA. (We Also do Whole House Specials in Kissimmee, St.Cloud, Davenport and Clermont). *Phone ESTIMATES. (407)-448-3551 . ( TEXT 24 Hours ) WEB SITE : ALLFLcarpetcleaner . c o m . rug and carpet steam cleaning. flood extraction with mold mildew disinfectant. furniture and upholstery cleaner. tile and grout cleaners . pressure washer. wash. power washers power washing power cleaning power washer clean carpet carpet cleaned carpet clean carpet cleaner carpet cleaners carpet cleaner carpet care truck mount shampoo carpets water damage steam clean rug shampooing apopka longwood winter springs winter garden winter park fern park south north east orlando west orange ocoee furniture steam cleaning orlando casselberry seminole orange osceola county counties steam cleaner steam fast dry tile grout upholstery rugs cleaned rug cleaner area rugs clean area rug - upholstery cleaning furniture cleaning rug cleaning floor laminate shampoo rugs shampoo carpets floor sofa sofas chairs all furniture furniture area rugs tile grout cleaning



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