QuickBooks Bookkeeper offering remote services for small or home

Have you lost control losing control of your bookkeeping Do you need help with a QuickBooks cleanup I offer a full range of bookkeeping services to small businesses and independent contractors.I m located in the Boston area MA and serve companies virtually and remotely nationwide from my Boston office.As a sole proprietor I can clean up your books at a more competitive rate than the larger bookkeeping accounting firms as I have no employee overhead or employee benefits. I will work in conjunction with your tax professional to ensure adequate financial reporting for tax planning and with you to provide the information you need to manage your business.A VIRTUAL SERVICE IS PERFECT for the small business owner who works from a home office and doesn t have the space or cannot afford the expense involved in having a bookkeeper come to his her office.For more information on my virtual services see Virtual Bookkeeping at www.mkgquickbooks.com



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