Business Intelligence Developer III

Analyze define and document system requirements for data workflow logical processes interfaces with other systems internal and external checks and controls and outputs Develop SharePoint integrated reports using SSRS Create KPI s and Dashboards used by key organizational players including senior Staff to make key business decisions Create ETL routines to move source system data to data warehouse database environments Act as liaison between the business and technology determining business requirements while working with the BI team to develop OLAP and Relational design Write both business and technical design documents Must be able to apply sound judgment beyond a specific set of instructions and apply knowledge to different factual situations. Must be able to work under stress on a regular or continuous basis. Job Qualifications Bachelor s Degree. Experience Training or experience in BI development Analysis techniques and procedures SQL Microsoft Project Word Excel & Visio. Experience with business processes for Medical Records Applications and the general operation of a healthcare provider. AREA OF EXPERTISE Business Intelligence YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 5 - 7 LOCATION Nashville TN s in deployment



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