Mare for sale

5 1 2 yr.old full Quarter Mare not registered. Both Sire and Dam are registered AQHA horses but this mare is not registered.Sire is now 29 yrs old and is on the property. She is broke to ride but has not been ridden in months due to my health. I am a 6 time cancersurvivor and have poor balance. I am selling her due to my and my husbands health issues. Her sire is the old fashion foundation lines.Poco Bueno Leo and Three Bars. Mare is approximately 15.1 hands and very gentle. I want her to have a good home if you are at allinterested please call me (at) 760-574-8255 or contact me (at) tomatoes94(at) I will consider any reasonable offer. I consider her greenbroke because of her lack of riding this year. I also have saddles available.



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