2014 GMC Acadia Denali

This outstanding example of a 2014 GMC Acadia Denali is offered by Gene Messer Hyundai. Rest assured when you purchase a vehicle with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee you re getting what you paid for. The Acadia Denali doesn t disappoint and comes with all the quality and understated opulence buyers have come to expect from the respected GMC marque. A truly versatile SUV this vehicle will please even the most discerning of buyers. Indulge yourself with one of the most highly crafted most luxurious automobiles available today. The GMC Acadia Denali has been lightly driven and there is little to no wear and tear on this vehicle. The care taken on this gently used vehicle is reflective of the 18 150 miles put on this GMC. More information about the 2014 GMC Acadia The GMC Acadia full-size crossover offers an alternative to the minivan for families looking for a safe stylish people-carrier. Available all-wheel drive means that weather won t prevent the occasional side trip either. When held up to the Acadia s competitors-- the Dodge Durango Honda Pilot and Toyota Highlander the Acadia meets or beats them by equipment and interior room the Acadia wins by offering a higher level of available luxury in the Denali. Strengths of this model include lots of cargo space luxury Denali model able handling ample standard features attractive styling available all-wheel drive and Room for eight passengers FOR THE BEST DEAL AND MAXIMUM DISCOUNTS CALL THE INTERNET TEAM TODAY WORK ONE ON ONE WITH AN EXPERIENCED INTERNET MANAGER WE TAKE THE HASSLE OUT OF CAR BUYING....IT SHOULD BE EASY WE ARE NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOR OUR ABILITY TO DELIVER VEHICLES ALL OVER THE COUNTRY GENE MESSER HYUNDAI IS LOCATED AT 4025 W. LOOP 289 (NEXT TO CONVERGY S) IN LUBBOCK



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