2001 Chevrolet Impala

Rebuilt Title. Why pay more for less What a price for an 01 YOUR 1ST OIL CHANGE IS ALWAYS ON US 2001 Chevrolet Impala FWD. This 2001 Impala is for Chevrolet fanatics looking all around for an outstanding low-mileage creampuff. With plenty of passenger room you won t have to worry about being cramped when it s more than just you in the car. New Car Test Drive called it ...a capable quick and fun car that drives nothing like Impalas of old. And that s good news... It scored the top rating in the IIHS frontal offset test. Welcome to Woody Smith Hyundai in Idaho Falls. Our dealership serves customers from nearby Blackfoot Rexburg and Twin Falls. Our showroom has all of the latest new Hyundai vehicles plus a great selection of used cars in Idaho Falls that you ll be proud to drive. Visit our Idaho Falls and nearby Blackfoot Hyundai dealership where we offer Pocatello drivers unsurpassed convenience along with exceptional sales and service. Visit us today and see how easy buying a new or used car from your local Hyundai dealership can be For more information please call a.



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