2014 BMW 5 Series 535i xDrive

BMW of Freeport Mini of Freeport is honored to present a wonderful example of pure vehicle design... this 2014 BMW 5 Series 535i xDrive only has 38 401 miles on it and could potentially be the vehicle of your dreams CARFAX BuyBack Guarantee provides that extra peace of mind for you that there s no surprises on this vehicle s history. With amenities and luxuries befitting a modern day king this splendorous coach reigns supreme. Savor the satisfaction of safety in any condition with this AWD BMW 5 Series. Superior acceleration unmatched traction and stability as well as a luxurious interior round out the impressive features of this AWD BMW 5 Series. More information about the 2014 BMW 5 Series The BMW 5-Series stands out as a traditional luxury sport sedan that not only offers strong uncompromised performance but also some leading-edge safety and connectivity technology. Increasingly the 5-Series has an advantage over most of its rivals in that it offers more fuel-saving measures than most other sport sedans with items such as Auto Start Stop turbocharging direct injection and a special Eco Pro driving mode combining to provide significant gains in gas mileage. A new diesel model the 535d adds another way to save fuel. Otherwise the 5-Series sedans offer more comfortable refined cabins than some other sport sedans and the 5-Series Gran Turismo body style is a good pick for those who want a little more cargo flexibility. Interesting features of this model are responsive handling refined luxurious interior active-safety features Eco-conscious performance and leading-edge tech options



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