Goose Creek double lot w camper overlooking lake - 18500 (french

Goose Creek Lake double lot 70x2201 Lot off lake excellent lake view just walk down the hillHouse buildable (cannot build on a single lot)2016 Taxes and assessments paidPLat 21 Lot 107Turn key ready propertyComes with Electric pole 200 amp service (in case you want to build a house) Underground electric to deck outlets and camper28 foot keystone springdale lite camper Clean titleSleeps 6 1 queen bunk beds and 1 fold outTV DVD fridge bath shower furnace has it all16x22 foot deck overlooking the lake with electric outletsfire pitportable toiletWill not seperate 18 500 buys it all I have way more invested.....314-308-5870 text is faster but you can call too. Mike 6748 pawnee drive french village MO 63036Corner of Pawnee and Turkey Rungoosecreeklake.com1 hour south of st. louis on 55



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