Residential apartments in offer price at Shaheed path road

The project Paarth Arka is being developed by Paarth Infrabuild a Noida based company under the patronage of Mr. Pradeep Mishra.Location is very good infact one of the best on Shaheed path a lot of development is underway near this location proposed IT City International Cricket Stadium and proposed Connaught Place is just a stone throw away.Highlight of Paarth Arka is that it is designed by the renowned architect Hafeez Contractor and rated by CRISIL the only second project to be rated by this agency in Lucknow.The overall lighting features accompanied by other facilities aim to be uncompromisingly perfect at all times. There is no doubt that Arka will soon be one of Lucknow s most coveted addresses.Builder has good reputation in Lucknow a very good and experienced top level management thus can be trusted although the experience is on the lower side.Overall the project is worthy and recommendedProject Name Paarth ArkaLocation Lucknow Gomti NagarProject Area 7 AcresSub Type 3 4 BHKPossession Possession in 3 YearType ResidentialDeveloper Paarth InfrabuildHeight 19 FloorsSize 1665 Sq.ft. - 1910 Sq.ft.



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