2013 Newmar Bay Star 2901 Class A Gasoline Motorhome

2013 Newmar Bay Star 2901 Class A Gasoline motorhome like new with 9 691 miles on a 6.8L V10 engine built on a Ford F53 chassis. Contains a Cummins Onan RVQG 4000 generator 245 70R19.5 tires and sleeps 6 comfortably. Full painted exterior masterpiece finish graphics with clearcoat finish in macadamia color with macadamia decor inside. Chassis has cruise control tilt steering wheel stainless steel wheel simulator all built on a Ford F-53 chassis. Air conditioning and heating options include propane gas leak detector propane gas furnace with ducted heat central air and dash heater and air conditioner. Well-equipped kitchen with Norcold 8 cf. refrigerator over the range microwave 3-burner range with metal oven door and piezzo ignition 6 gallon gas electric water heater with electronic ignition. Exquisite Flexsteel Ultralux leather furniture that includes sofa and front seats. Many upgrades including new chassis battery installation of new 15 000 BTU Brisk II to replace the original 13 000 BTU AC installation of permanent surge suppressor and replacement of incandescent lights with LED Lights. Coach also has a solar trickle charger originally installed by Newmar. Must see to appreciate - See more at www.floridarvc.com listings 2013-newmar-bay-star-2901-class-a-gasoline-mo torhome Florida RV Center 8653 Pensacola Blvd. Pensacola FL 32534 or call 850-505-0045.



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