1 Complete commericial Manhole and COVER. MH1 60" X 5 -3&quo

New complete COMMERCIAL CAMPBELL NICE sized Manhole and cover. NEW AND UNUSED. ONLY 2500 MH 1 60 X 5 -3 BASE COATED. You are welcome to come and inspect unit. We will help load in onto your heavy duty commerical truck. Please view all photos. Minutes from Routes 80 46 10 - Located in Wharton - Morris County NJ Condition like new make manufacturer CAMPBELL model name number 1203B SIZE DIMENSIONS and what is included 60 X flat top w 30 opening 1 CAMBELL 1203B FR W Sanitary Sewer 2014 on Cover. With Flow-Seal Gasket. 1 10 Dip Boot with stainless steel clamps. 1 Roll Butyl Sealant



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