SUPERMAN BRONZE AGE LOT 1978-1984 60.00 Guide Price

SUPERMAN LOT - 1978-1984 DC Comics The World s Greatest Hero takes flight in these late 70 s early 80 s Comics in this Seven Book Lot The issues here are SUPERMAN 329 - November 1978 - FN VF only due to a tiny corner crease that doesn t break the ink and two tiny spine stress creases. This was released during the 1st Superman Movie I Have Met the Enemy--and it is Me by Martin Pasko & Curt Swan as we witness intelligent micro organisms from Krypton invade a Superman Robot and transform it to a biological being that Superman eventually freezes solid Secrets of the Talking Car by Cary Bates & Kurt Shaffenberger is a Mr. & Mrs. Superman story from Earth Two . 335 - 1979 - VF NM - Beautiful copy w very slight tiny edge wear Mxyzptlk Spelled Backwards is T-R-O-U-B-L-E by same shows the Imp turning Superman into a big Lizard as he then begins destroying Metropolis Supes out foxes him in the end 336 - June 1979 - NM - Beautiful A Rose by any other Name by Len Wein & Curt Swan shows Supes trying to help a Woman with a Split Personality--one a Sweet & Kind Lady and the other the Vicious Thorn a Super-Powered Lunatic 347 - May 1980 - FN - Slight spine creases. The Sleeper Out of Time by Gerry Conway & Jose Luis Garcia Lopez finds Superman in the fight of his life as he takes on an Alien Warrior s Ghost He figures out how to get him to turn solid and wins the day 350 - Whitman Variant Low Print Run August 1980 - FN VF - two slight spine creases. Clark Kent s Vanishing Classmates by Conway & Swan finds Superman attending Metro U s Reunion as half of the class disappears before his eyes He creates a sonic boom by clapping his hands and snaps them back to our reality from another dimension finding a Professor has inadvertently created a device that shifts dimensions There s also a Crossword Puzzle 388 - NM - October 1983 - Clean & Nice The Kid Who Played Superman by same finds a Boy who dresses up like Superman and takes pictures of himself--but the pic s all have a weird glitch of light around his head when he s in costume--and the mystery grows from there 398 - NM - August 1984 - Beautiful Copy The Kid who Master-Minded Superman by Joey Cavaleri Curt Swan & Dave Hunt sees another kid dressing like Superman and causing grief while the Real Superman saves a Jet Liner from crashing into Metropolis The Clothes that make the Man by Paul Kupperberg & Alex Saviuk tells of how Clark s suit gets a life of it s own after he travels to a distant galaxy > > > These in these conditions are worth 59.00 per Overstreet 42nd Ed. page 915 This is the EXACT Item you re bidding on Shipping in the USA Flat Rate Priority 6.45 > > > I SHIP SEVEN COMIC BOOKS FOR THE SAME PRICE < < < Thanks for Looking PAYPAL or Postal Money Orders are accepted



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