Decent gentleman with heart of gold seeks a soul mate

Hello Thank you for stopping by. I am an Indian guy 35-years-old 6 2 single down-to-earth honest & easy going. I am looking for a good girl - someone to love. I would like us to be good friends first get to know one another well and see if we can take it to a relationship level. I m very mature & driven. I just want someone to go thru life with share the pleasures of a simple life. I am tired of doing it alone. I want a relationship that won t hold me back but move forward with me. A best friend a partner that I can share my thoughts fears dreams make love to a partner I can take long drives with share happy moments laugh go to movies do outdoor activities travel etc. I want someone I can I can trust with my life I have lots of hobbies & interests. I m a non smoker with good habits morals & highly respectful of women. Be happy & do something good everyday



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