2016 Mazda Mazda6 i Grand Touring

GPS Nav Right car Right price ONE OWNER PERFECT CARFAX MAZDA CERTIFICATION INCLUDES 12 MONTH 12 000 MILE COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY 160 POINT UNCOMPROMISING VEHICLE INSPECTION 7YR 100000 ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE MAZDA POWERTRAIN WARRANTY UNTIL OR 100 000 MILES INCLUDED IN PRICE. Who could say no to a truly wonderful car like this great-looking 2016 Mazda Mazda6 Want to save some money Get the NEW look for the used price on this one owner vehicle. Previous owner purchased it brand new and it still looks like the day it rolled off the lot At Mazda of Gladstone we keep only the finest selection of pre-owned vehicles. Our pre-owned vehicles include trade-ins lease terminations and private party purchases. This results in us having a fine collection of reliable and safe pre-owned vehicles that we can sell with complete confidence. Our philosophy is not to just fix the cosmetics of an used car but to properly recondition our pre-owned vehicles mechanically as well which results in a great pre-owned vehicle you can buy and drive with peace of mind. We make every effort to present information that is accurate. However it is based on data provided by the vehicle manufacturer and or other sources and therefore exact configuration color specifications & accessories should be used as a guide only and are not guaranteed. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any inaccuracies claims or losses of any nature. Furthermore inventory is subject to prior sale and prices are subject to change without notice cannot be combined with any other offer(s) do not include taxes registration fees finance and or documentation charges. To ensure your complete satisfaction please verify accuracy with the dealer prior to purchase.



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