
The world is mourning the loss of an American Idol - an Icon - Aretha Franklin. Aretha s voice was a masterpiece. Unfortunately, we have lost a number of music icons in recent years - like Prince, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, George Michaels, Merle Haggard, Joey Feek, Maurice White (Earth, Wind & Fire), David Bowie and many more. BUT - their music LIVES on. . . Every Music Genre Past or Present (50?s, 60?s, 70?s, 80?s, 90?s and more) - We Have It Here! Their music represents a wide range across the music genres in American and world-wide appeal. Although they are no longer with us physically - their music will remain forever. And the great thing is that you can get it all in one place. Check out our music library - it is all there if you like it, love it, want it, and looking for it - we have it. Look and Search no further. Get Any and Every Music Genre/ Performer in the World From One-Place.



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