Pre-Owned Item code 16338Call 708-354-1265Crating Fee and Shipping Fee may apply or Pick Up in Countryside IL 60525THERMODYNE COUNTER-TOP DRY MOIST HOLDING CABINET SPECIALTY UNITModel 300CT Serial 3749 Mfg date 1 2014 Discounted price 825.00This is a used unit it may have some scratches but in good condition overall. Unit will be tested and I will update information as soon as it is available. Price on a new unit is 4000. Don t miss out on this great saleSome Features Benefits This counter-top holding unit will provide food quality and kitchen efficiency like no other piece of equipment.Using patented Fluid Shelf technology each shelf in the cabinet maintains an exact temperature allowing for extended holding times without sacrificing apperance or taste.It operates on a simple 120V connection and its a pass through.Food products can be held dry moist assembled and wrapped. ( pans are not included I haveresearched the information regarding the pans and they are approx. between 87.00 and 113.00))Dry pan without pan screen it is used for products with high moisture such as Sauces Gravies Casseroles All products with fast trunover Breaded Products - Vented No Moisture Ribs and Riblets Potatoes Scrambled Eggs Vegetables For crispier products hold uncovered or vented.Dry pan with pan screen it is used for dry and crisp products Ideal for products with high oil content such as Bacon Hot Dogs Hamburger Patties Breaded Chicken Patties Biscuits English Muffins Fried Fish Fried Chicken- Vented or No Cover Fried Sandwishes - Vented or No Cover French Toast.Wet Pan with Pan Screen Insert stainless steel insert rack pour in water prior to adding food product. Water will typically last for several hours but will vary by temperature setting. NEVER ALLOW WATER TO SIT OVERNIGHT. It is used for products susceptible to drying such as Grilled chicken Breast Egg Products for Sandwiches Sausage Links and Patties Hamburger Patties Bagels Pancakes Assembled Wrapped SandwichesPans with V Rack can be added to the bottom of the pan for moisture. Used for products suah as Tacos Burritos Assembled Hot Dogs small Wrapped Sandwiches Hot spring Rolls. Water Instructions per Manual With proper installation operation and maintenance will result in many years of satisfactory performance. It is suggested that you thoroughly read the manual in its entirety and carefully follow all of the instructions provided. The cabinet its programmable for the desired holding temperature. The factory setting is 185 degree F. unless otherwise specified. Max Operating Temp. 230 degree F.Please note the electrical cord look like it has some damage but it still works and we will not replace. the fluid will not be provided USE ONLY THERMODYNE HEAT TRANSFER FLUID.Interior dimensions 13 1 2 w 22 d 20 1 4 h Electrical information 120 volts 1 ph 15 amps 60 hz 1750 watts.Approx. size 17 1 2 w 23 1 2 d 27 1 4 hApprox. shipping weight 190 lbsALL SALES ARE FINAL



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