HOU4852R Structural Concepts 50" Self-Serve Dry and Refriger

Pre-Owned Item Code 16844Call 708 354-1265Crating Fee 150.00 Shipping or Pick UpEncore - Structural Concepts Self-Serve Dry and Refrigerated Open AirModel HOU4852RTop Display Features -Center glass divider -Rear sliding glass doors -Lighted adjustable glass shelf -Double pane curved lift-up front glass Refrigerated Bottom Display Features -Single display deck with top light -Integrated average product temperature of 41 F Self contained refrigeration system230 115-3 Wire Volts 1 Phase 16 Amps 60 HzETL ListedOverall Size 50 x 42 x 53 Approx. Shipping Weight 900 lbs.(Disk A.L10) (A.L)



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