Rare 1967 Ford Falcon Futura Sport Coupe - Price: $16,500 OBO

For Sale 1967 Falcon Sport Coupe. Excellent Condition. California Car Wimbledon White Ravin Black 302ci 351w heads Edelbrock Performer cam and intake HEI Distributor March Pulleys Holley Street Avenger Carb Headman Long Tubes New Custom Exhaust Disc Brakes w new master cylinder Brand new Front and Rear suspension. New Shocks Glass is good. Straight body. Interior is great.Custom Center Console Factory Bucket Seats New Headliner and carpet w new insulation. New embroidered floor mats. No rust. Newly rebuild C4 trans w stall converter B& M Floor Shifter Lakewood Traction Bars Posi 3.73 rear



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