Pre-Owned Item Code 16282Call 708-354-1265We Ship Anywhere in the US Crating & Shipping Fees Applyor Pick Up In Countryside IL. 60525 Winston Hold & Serve Drawer Model HBA5N1 Mfg. Date 06 2005 Discounted price 350.00 Easy to use and delivers superior food temperatures and food texture control. Control with dials labeled food temperature and food texture Ideal for kiosks or any operation where space is limited but food quality is important. It will hold 1 steam table pan or 2 half steam table pans.(pans are not included) Built-in fan ensures and even temperature throughout the drawer. Accepts up to 6 deep pans. (pans are not included) 120 volts 1 phase 10.3 amps 60 hertzApprox. size 16 1 2 wide 28 1 2 deep 15 3 4 tallApprox. weight 95 Lbs. NSF Approved UL Listeddisk L6 (L) ALL SALES ARE FINAL



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