E-Flight Blade SR RC Helicopter - Price: 80

I bought this heli from a guy at the Toledo RC show this past weekend. It is way to advanced for me. This is an intermediate-advanced heli. I replaced the Blades Main Shaft installed a new feathing shaft and I bought a foam blade holder for it. I thought that maybe the shaft was bent but the guy at the store said it takes more than beginner skill to fly it so I m going to rebuild one of my husband s other helis instead and I need the money. It is a very sensitive helicopter and takes someone that knows how to set up the controller for it. There s Youtube videos out to help but I am just not there yet. No controller. Works with a dx6 dx7. I think it will also work with dx5. It has a Spektrum reciever already installed. Extras Comes with one battery the charger (did not come with AC adapter) extra tail motor Extra aluminum tail boom the old blades which had a small chip on them 3 extra Main Shafts extra flybar extra feathering shaft extra main blade gripset. Not interested in trade. I m already set on my other project. No shipping. CASH ONLY. You can meet at my house or a public are in Ann Arbor area whichever makes you more comfortable. Asking 80 as all the parts that tend to get broken when people fly are new. AS IS. I ve listed everything I know about it and I ve put 30 into it since Saturday and I m sad to find out it s not what I need. Please respond by email text or call with what item you are inquiring about. Thanks Melissa 734-358-6226 it s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests



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