2006 honda cbr600rr - Price: $3600OBO

Here I have a 2006 honda cbr600rr that has a salvaged title but the bike has been rebuilt to the fullest. The bike has been stretched 6inches and the muffler has been custom fitted under the seat. The bike has little over 20k miles on it. The motorcycle is very fast and I wouldnt recommend for beginners. The tires are in very very good condition. The battery has just been replaced so has the exhuast servo. As you can see the bikes very clean I always keep it locked up out of the weather. I also have a helmet oil & a filter for it. Upon selling it there will be no test driving it Ill ride it to show it runs and runs damn good. Im open to trades but nothing stupid like ATVs. Any questions feel to txt or email me Larryw4521(at)gmail.com 9107702866. 3600 or BEST offer Best offer trade...



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