Fdsrt yorkie puppies for sale

Click on picture to enlarge and find our email and phone number to contact.Please Serious Inquiries Only.Adorable tiny yorkshire terrier puppies for sale, all our puppies have been raised in a loving family home and have been brought up around young children, so are happy healthy and very well socialised little puppies. they have a beautiful temperament and are confident puppies making them an ideal little family pet. all our puppies are microchipped, frontlined and wormed upto date and will come with weeks free insurance, a puppy pack and food will also be included. these beautiful little boys and girls are weeks old, fully weaned and are ready to go to their new homes, they can also be seen with mum. please contact for anymore information you may need and to arrange a viewing of these gorgeous little puppies.visit our website at www.riveryorkshire.wix/ riveryorkshire and choose from the available puppies Pups will leave with :- . Fully vaccinated . Worming record and flea treatment. . Mirco chipped . Written health check which you receive a copy of . 4 Weeks free insurance . Kennel Club registration document . Assured Breeder wallet



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