East side garage sale August 31 Saturday & September 1 2013 Sunday 9 00 - 5 00. Take Hammond or 5 Mile Road to Wemple to Orion Place to 3813 Altaire. New AVON Products 6 foot wind chime lots of Halloween items Christmas & Easter 2 drawer file cabinets darkroom equipment clothing lots of household items and much more. ANTIQUES Primitive hand carved wood horse on platform with wheels large chest type Coca Cola cooler cupboard used in an General Merchandise Store 80 inches long by 28 inches high small oak ice box small oak stand with towel bars oak smoking stand small pedestal stand oak telephone stand with chair towel bars clock shelf oil lamps umbrella style drying rack Victorian corner shelf Victorian stand boot jack Victorian shelves small painted primitive bench medium primitive bench tool carrier wood foot stool chess board pieces case dolly for carrying grain bags and much more. NO EARLY SALES.



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